Dental Implant Treatment Process

“No one technology can be expected to treat all conditions. Every patient and every condition is unique.”

—Oded Bahat

Dental Implants involve a series of procedures that restore your teeth to their natural condition as closely as possible. Implants aren’t over-the-counter prostheses. In the best cases, they are fully customized reconstructions and unique to your situation; therefore, treatment timelines can vary. Below is a sample timeline to give you a general idea of what to expect.


Our first step is to examine your jaw, mouth, and teeth to see if you are a good candidate for implants. We do a complete periodontal exam to evaluate your teeth, plus a restorative exam. A 3-D scan shows us the anatomy of your jaw—bone density, structures and dimensions. We then review your overall medical condition to rule out any underlying disease. 

Average time: one week.

Treatment Planning

If you have existing oral disease, we treat that first. We may also suggest improvements to your underlying tissues that will restore your looks and the function of your mouth to optimal condition. You may be surprised by the technical possibilities of implants and the simplicity of the procedure.

Also at this point we bring in as many specialists as needed. We always work with a restorative dentist (an expert on esthetics and tooth function) and a periodontist (an expert in the hard and soft tissues of the mouth and jaws).

If you have other medical conditions, we bring in other specialists. An ENT for people with sinus infections, a cardiologist for heart disease, an endocrinologist if you have diabetes, or a radiologist to read difficult scans, for example. Together, we figure out what kind of treatment and reconstruction is best for you. 

As you plan, remember that every jaw is different. Your final roadmap should have clearly defined goals and milestones that meet your specific needs. 

Average time: two to four weeks, can be less.


Every patient has different conditions and needs, and every treatment has its own timeline. Three to six months is about average, depending on your oral health, your bones, and the type of restoration you need—only a rare few can go from extraction to implant in one surgery. But you won’t have to live with temporary gaps. Throughout the process we ensure you’re never without teeth. 

1. Jawbone Preparation + Implant Placement

For most patients, the initial procedure involves having implants placed in their jawbone and then covered over with gum tissue. In this surgery, an incision in the gum reveals the bone. Then your surgeon drills a carefully shaped socket for the implant. He’ll place the implant deep into the bone to mimic a natural root, with its top below the gum line.

Average time: same-day or up to six months.

However, if there is not enough bone to support an implant or your bone isn’t strong enough, you may need grafts. We usually take bone from your mouth or a bone bank and graft it, as needed, to your jaw. In most cases we have to wait for the bone to heal before the final crown is placed; therefore, we provide a temporary denture or bridge at this stage.

2. Osseointegration + Abutment Placement

Once your implant fuses to your jawbonean abutment is attached directly to the underlying implant. This is usually an outpatient procedure which may or may not require anesthesia. 

Average time: same-day or up to six months.

3. Making the Crowns (also known as the final prosthesis)

Once the gum tissue surrounding your abutment has healed and matured, new impressions are taken and a restorative dentist will begin to fabricate your final prosthesis. 

Average time: 28 days to three months.

4. Attaching the Crowns

This is a simple, short, outpatient procedure that generally does not require anesthesia.

5. Follow-up Care

Each patient receives an individualized program for follow-up care, which starts with a follow-up visit three months after your last procedure. Most plans also include six-month and annual in-office visits so we can monitor your overall dental health as well as the condition of your implants.


Judge whether your dental implant treatment process has been successful by esthetics as well as by stability and function. Your looks have a big impact on your life.

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