Consequences of Missing Teeth

Missing a Tooth?

A few consequences of missing teeth:



Your adjacent and opposing teeth drift to compensate for the gap, and your jawbone deteriorates.



Jawbone deterioration alters your appearance, making you look older than you are, which can erode your self-confidence.



When teeth drift, your bite changes. Many people find it difficult to chew certain foods, which can lead to unhealthy eating habits.

Your Teeth and Quality of Life

Your oral health is more important to your general health than you may realize—far beyond the obvious issues of its effects on nutrition and social interaction.

The importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums is backed by a growing body of research indicating that gum disease may be linked to other diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and certain forms of cancer. According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) approximately three out of four Americans suffer from some form of gum disease, from mild cases of gingivitis to the more severe form known as periodontitis. Often, your normal maintenance of brushing, flossing and dental check-ups are not enough to prevent a decline in your oral health.

Regina M. Benjamin, U.S. Surgeon General from 2009-2013, wrote, “Recent research has indicated possible associations between chronic oral infections and diabetes, heart and lung disease, stroke, and low birth weight or premature births. In other words, oral health refers to the health of our mouth and, ultimately, supports and reflects the health of the entire body.”

Esthetics and Function

Many people don’t realize that dental reconstruction should be a primary health concern. When teeth are properly positioned, aligned and supported with healthy bone, they’re more than just beautiful: their biting and chewing surfaces work optimally and they direct forces along the proper axes, minimizing improper stress on individual teeth and surrounding bone.

Contact us to find out how you can fill in your missing teeth.

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